Whale, Quail, Snail Series
Illustrated by Sam Ailey
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A whale of a good time for read-alouds and independent reading alike.
Whale is a bit of a dreamer. She loves to play pretend and imagine what could be. Quail is down-to-earth, and keeps her friends grounded. Snail may be small, but they think BIG.
Together, these three friends have a lot of fun and unexpected adventures!
A Whale of a Tea Party
Meet a whale named Whale. She spends most of her time exploring the area near Tiny Island, dreaming of a day when she’ll have real friends, not just rock friends. One day, Whale decides to throw a tea party…and it changes everything, especially when Quail and Snail show up!
In this sweet, imaginative early reader, Perl weaves in friendship’s give-and-take with word repetitions and ending sounds. . . . This addition reinforces early reading concepts and illustrates the true beauty of friendships new and old. -- School Library Journal
A new book, just out today, is (to the best of my knowledge) the first early reader to include a nonbinary character—and it’s from an award-winning author whose work I’ve loved for years! - Mombian.com
When Whales Fly
Snail likes to surf. Quail likes to explore. And Whale just wants to fly! With a little help from her friends, Whale just might find a way to try. Hold on tight - the sky’s the limit!
Whale and the Mystery Mango
Whale notices a mango that’s definitely ripe… or is it? Quail is not so sure. She wants Whale to wait. But waiting is hard! Luckily, Snail knows a fun way to pass the time (that might get the mango down in a hurry!).